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MAY 8, 1915

Submarine Strikes Twice, Sending At Least 1,000 With Great Cunarder To Bottom Passengers Are At Luncheon When Torpedoes Hit Vessel Forward And Aft, Sinking Her Off Irish Coast - Dead, Drowned, And Survivors Are Put Ashore By Ships Speeding To Rescue.

BULLETIN LONDON, MAY 8, 1915 - The Admiralty has announced the total number of survivors of the Lusitania as 658. This would leave 1,409 dead. All efforts to find Charles FROHMAN and A. G. VANDERBILT among the survivors have failed.

LONDON, MAY 7, 1915 - The Cunard Liner Lusitania, which sailed out of New York last Saturday with more than 2,000 souls aboard, lies at the bottom of the ocean off the Irish Coast. She was sunk by a German submarine, which sent two torpedoes crashing into her side, while the passengers, seemingly confident that the great swift vessel could elude the German under-water craft, were having luncheon. Latest reports place the loss of life on the Lusitania at about 1,000. It is reported that Capt. TURNER was saved. The American Embassy has been informed that about half of the Lusitania's passengers have been saved. The embassy has also been informed that the Lusitania foundered 18 minutes after she was torpedoed. A steward in the first boat which landed here said he feared that 900 lives were lost by the sinking of the Lusitania. The Lusitania carried 2,067 persons, passengers and crew. One hundred and eighty-eight were Americans among which are about 25 who booked passage from Pittsburgh, PA. HIT TWICE BY SUBMARINE The Tug Storm Cock has returned to Queenstown, bringing about 150 survivors of the Lusitania, principally passengers, among whom were many women, several of the crew and one steward. Describing the experience of the Lusitania, the steward said: "The passengers were at lunch when a submarine came up and fired two torpedoes, which struck the Lusitania on the starboard side, one forward and the other in the engine room. They caused terrific explosions. "Capt. TURNER immediately ordered the boats out. The ship began to list badly immediately. "Ten boats were put into the water, and between 400 and 500 passengers entered them. The boat in which I was, approached the land with three other boats and we were picked up shortly after 4 o'clock by the Storm Cock. "I fear that few officers were saved. They acted bravely. "There was only 15 minutes from the time the ship was struck until she foundered, going down bow foremost. It was a dreadful sight. Two other steamers with survivors are approaching Queenstown." A dispatch just received from Queenstown regards survivors saying that two torpedoes struck the Lusitania and exploded with such force that iner--ed was wrecked and the whole vessel below decks filled with sickening fumes. The available lifeboats were at once launched fell while swinging from the davits, throwing the occupants into the sea. Many were jumping overboard at this time and some were saved. FROM 500 TO 600 SAVED The Conard Steamship Company received the following message from Liverpool. "Queenstown notes that First Officer JONES ---- 500 to 600 saved. This included passengers and crew and is only estimate we are able to make. We are going through hotels, lodging houses, etc, tonight, and will wire tomorrow fullest possible list; identification of the injured and dead are taking up all our attention. Queenstown regrets that some dead and injured from the Lusitania are being brought ashore with survivors. A private telegram from Clonaklity, says that several hundred passengers have landed there from the Lusitania. Three steamers loaded with survivors have come to Queenstown. (continued on Second Page) The British Admiralty is not withholding any verified facts regarding the Lusitania, but declines to pass dispatches based on rumor. It is expected that the Admiralty will issue a statement as soon as authenticated facts are available. Queenstown wires: "Storm Cock landing about 100 passengers and crew. It is reported by the Admiralty that trawlers Dock and Indian Empire have about 200. Tug Flying Fish about 100. Three torpedo boats 45 and four dead. We are putting those landed up at different hotels and boarding houses, but we cannot give a list of the survivors before morning, as passengers are in such a state that their immediate wants must be our first consideration" From all sources it may be given as the best information that about 150 persons have been landed at Queenstown, around 700 at Clonaklity, about nine miles to the south and west of the scene, and still more at Kinsale, about 10 miles from the scene. There will be more reported without doubt from such places as Oyster Haven, Court Macsherry, Barrys Point, Seven Heals, Butlers Town and other little ports of the vicinity.


Although information from Ireland allowed to be made public has been entirely fragmentary, little by little it is becoming known that either by an external or internal explosion, perhaps by both, the giant ship was blown almost-apart this afternoon off Old Head of Kinsale. A double explosion is mentioned because there is a theory advanced that the external explosion of a great torpedo smashed into the ship without warning by the submarine, caused an interior explosion. This may have been in some nest of boilers, or it may have been among explosives in the cargo. The wounded indicate that there was enormous havoc in the interior of the vessel. This may have been in the fire room or in the engine room. It cannot be conceived that passengers could be hurt in this way. The Lusitania, swinging northeast of Cape Clear, came in sight of the Irish Coast early this morning and started north for St. George's Chasse. She was going at full speed, some shipping men believing that she was up to 25 knots, some even saying 26 knots, which is her trial speed limit. She was preceding, as she has since the Germans were seen in the Irish Seas, with her lifeboats swung outward on their davits ready for immediate use and all her watertight bulkheads and compartment's tightly closed.


There is no doubt that she was hit without warning: Liverpool shipping men have announced that Capt. TURNER would not think of stopping for any German submarine, but would rely on his speed the moment he saw a periscope. It could only be chance that a torpedo would strike home unless there were a number of the undersea boats in line, each of which would discharge a torpedo in her path. None could stop her, none could keep up with her. After the early morning report of the Lusitania nothing was heard officially at any of the wireless stations until shortly after 2 o'clock., when the wireless operator at Lands End, Ireland, caught this hurriedly: "Come at once. Big list. Position 10 miles south of Kinsale." That was all that ever came out of the ship, so far as can be learned. It would not have been sufficient to have blown up the boilers to stop this work, for the emergency batteries were there to work with. Something snapped the whole thing out. The word from Lands End was out to the world in another two minutes. Every port of the Irish Coast was horrified and passed the word along. Men on the jump from Waterford clear down to Cape Clear rushed into small boats and large boats and dashed out to sea. Old Head of Kinsale was the next to send a little word. A marine observer there with powerful glasses made out the big ship 10 miles out, listed to one side almost on the point of turning over. There was only a brief flash of this and then came the word: "She has gone." As a matter of fact it is estimated that the Lusitania was hit around 2"15 o'clock and was under water by 2:45. Lloyds officially places the time as that. SMALL BOATS DOT WATER Then the observer made out the small boats on the spot left when the big ship vanished. There are twenty of them, he reported. A little later: "Other boats including a big Greek Steamship are around there. They are picking up the small boats!" Then came a procession of bulletins from all points. The Admiralty received a bulletin from Galley Head: "Several boats apparently, survivors, southeast 9 miles from here, a Greek Steamer is proceeding to assist!" Other ports sent word of the 20 small boats which could carry perhaps 800 persons in a calm sea. But no one could tell how many were in them or how many had been picked by the rescuing ships. A great fleet was rushed out of Queenstown, but they had about 27 miles to go and must arrive too late to b of any use, except to facilitate the carrying of the wounded to the hospitals. "All are saved" was the message sent out early in the day and the announcement was greeted with cheers. Then came the later news. When shipping men heard. "Half hour" they shook their heads and whispered among themselves that the loss of life was inevitable. They could not see how human beings could be rescued or rescue themselves in the short space of time. It was not until 5 o'clock in the afternoon or later, three hours after the disaster, that London received definite word of what had occurred. Then a responsible person at Kinsale, who had received direct word from the scene, telegraphed: The Lusitania was sunk by a submarine at 2:33 this afternoon, eight miles south by west of Old Head of Kinsale." This person had not received any of the details. ADMIRALTY'S GLOOMY BULLETIN Queenstown then sent a message: "Dispatch from Old Head begins: Large steamer just arrived in vicinity, separately rendering assistance. Tugs patrolling, etc. Now on the spot, taking boats in tow. Motor fishing boats with two of Lusitania's boats bearing probably for Kinsale harbor.

There were reports, then of rescue boats bearing to this and to that port, but nothing definite yet until the Cork Newspaper sent a message at 10 o'clock last night saying that 3/800 had been landed at Clonakitty, all passengers. The Admiralty thew the first note of foreboding so far as human life was concerned early last evening,. their official messages had precedence over all others. Their statement was" "There is hope that many have been saved." A little later the Cunard Company issued a statement of the same tenor and the great crowds in the street awaiting for the newspapers or for bulletins quieted. They knew then that war had taken another toll on the non-combatants. Thereupon the question uppermost was "Were any Americans lost and what will the United States say now?" The Lusitania was seen from, the signal station at Kinsale to be in difficulties at 2:12 P.M.. At 2:33 P.M. she had completely disappeared. This indicates that the liner was afloat 21 minutes after what evidently was the beginning of her trouble.

There were 188 American passengers in all aboard the Lusitania, according to a compilation made late today at the Cunard offices. The first to pick up the Lusitania's call was the wireless station at Land's End. The appeal was urgent: "We have a big list, rush, help." flashed through the air and immediately orders were sent to the nearest points to get every available craft to the rescue. LIFEBOATS WERE READY

The fishing fleet from Kinsale was early on the scene and immediately began the work of taking on board the passengers from the big liner. It is understood that the Lusitania's own boats were used to care for her passengers. On all her recent trips these boats have been swung over-side and have covers removed ready for any eventuality and it is possible that to this precaution may lie due the salvation of the passengers.

The first word reaching London of the plight of the Lusitania was an unconfirmed rumor received at several offices of the Cunard Line. It said that the big steamer was in trouble. The Line Officials made it public and promised to keep the public informed of everything that happened.

There was much excitement. There had been grave doubt that the Germans were in earnest when they threatened to attack the passenger-carrying liners. The sinking of the Falsba had been considered the final act of this kind and when it was realized that the biggest passenger liner in commission had fallen victim to the war London was aghast.

The German submarine which sunk the Lusitania is believed there to be the same which yesterday sunk the two 5,000 ton freighters Centurial and Candidate and on Wednesday sunk the sailing ship Earl of Lathan. The Admiralty has sent a flotilla of fast destroyers to search for the underseas boat.

Two hundred of the passengers on board the Cunarder were transferred to her from the Steamer Cameronia before she left New York. The presence of German submarines in the transatlantic lanes of travel has been indicated by the sinking, during the past few days, of other British vessels off the Irish Coast. The report received here says the liner was eight miles off the Irish coast when she went down. The Lusitania sailed last Saturday from New York and was due in Liverpool today. She carried passengers to her full capacity. Just before the vessel sailed many of the passengers received telegrams saying the boat would meet with disaster. It was the Steamer Lusitania whose flying of the American Flag in the month of February on her way from Queenstown to Liverpool in order to protect her against possible attack by German Submarine, caused considerable astonishment on both sides of the ocean and resulted in the issuing of a statement by the British Foreign Office justifying the use of a neutral flag under circumstances such as these.


The Lusitania was one of the largest of transatlantic liners, as well as one of the speediest. She was built in Glasgow in 1905. She was 785 feet long, 88 feet beam, and 66 feet deep. Her gross tonnage was 33,500 and her net tonnage 9,146. She was owned by the Cunard Steamship Company, Ltd. of Liverpool. Her Captain was W. V. TURNER.

Official announcement was made this evening that the Lusitania had remained afloat at least 20 minutes after being torpedoed, and that "20 boats were on the spot at the time". Twenty boats on the spot belonged to the Lusitania. The 16 other boats were sent to the scene from nearby ports.

MAY 8, 1915, Page 1 GERMAN ATTACHE CALLS SINKING JUSTIFIED ACT NEW YORK, MAY 8, 1915, - Capt. Frans VonPAGAN, Military Attache of the German Embassy, is quoted by the New York World, this morning as placing the following statement regarding the sinking of the Lusitania. "It was absolutely ---- for the Cunard Company in carry and for the British Government to allow the line to carry neutral passengers in a ship carrying explosives and munitions to be used by Great Britain. "The ship's manifest will show that she carried a large amount of steric acid and other explosive materials. They certainly were not intended for peaceful uses. They were to be used against Germany and Germany had to defend herself against them. The best way was to destroy the ship and such destruction was amply justified under the rules of war.

MAY 8, 1915, Page 1 2,000 ALLIED SHELLS WRECK GERMAN GUNS PARIS, MAY 7, 1915, - A dispatch received here from Dunkirk says the battery of 18-inch German guns which bombarded Dunkirk several days ago, was found by an aviator who flew over the spot at a height of ?? feet. The airman took photographs showing the exact position of the guns after which 2,000 shells were fired on the casements sheltering the canon which are supposed to have been destroyed.

MAY 8, 1915, Page 1 SERIOUS CRISIS DUE TO SINKING OF LUSITANIA U. S. WARNING TO KAISER'S GOVERNMENT FOCUSES ATTENTION ON WHITE HOUSE PLOT NOT A NEW ONE WASHINGTON, MAY 7, 1915 - Destruction of the British Liner Lusitania with the loss of many lives shocked officials of the United States government and spread profound grief in the National Capital. Although it was not known if any of those lost were Americans, the view was general that the most serious situation confronted the American government since the outbreak of the war in Europe. The warning of the United States that Germany would be held to a (continued on second page) strict accountability for the loss of American lives," irrespective of whether they were aboard belligerent or neutral vessels when attacked, , focused attention on the White House where President WILSON until late in the night read the dispatches with grave interest. The President made no comment. NO HASTY ACTION LIKELY Secretary BRYAN, Counselor LENSING, senators and members of the House, who were in the city, waited up until a late hour for definite news of the passengers and crew of the ill-fated ship. Earlier in the day they construed the positive announcements from abroad that no lives had been lost as final, but later advices, dashed their hopes. Officials said facts and circumstances would have to be obtained by careful investigation during the next few days before any announcements could be made by the American Government. The disposition among high officials was not to take hasty action, but to await the British Admiralty's reports and results of the investigations of Ambassador PAGE. It is predicted that even though it developed that no American lives were lost on the Lusitania. General representations will be made by the United States, covering all the cases involved in the series: - the death of Leon C. THRESHERY; an American when the British Steamer Falaba was sunk; dropping bombs on the American Steamer Coshing; and the attack on the Steamer Gulflight, which was wrecked with a lot of three American lives.

PLOT OF LONG STANDING The report that the Lusitania was torpedoed without warming created a profound sensation for it was the first American case in which this threat has been carried out. The sinking brought out an interesting story of repeated threats and warnings which have reached high officials for several days of a plan by the German Admiralty to sink the Lusitania for the psychological effect on Great Britain and the terror it might spread among ocean travelers generally. Information gathered among officials of the government and independent quarters confirms the belief that plans for the destruction of the Lusitania were made several weeks ago. First, the German Embassy was instructed to advertise, warning passengers against traveling on beligerent ships. Anonymous warnings then were sent to individuals who proposed sailing on the Lusitania. Most significant of all were letters received here from officials in Germany by private persons that the Lusitania would be destroyed. One official was told early today that this was the day selected for the destruction of the vessel. BRITISH SAY INEXCUSABLE At the German Embassy here it was said the embassy knew the Lusitania carried arms and ammunition ---. Having advised of the resolution of the German Admiralty to attack ships that carried such contraband as officials had believed, she would be attacked. The British Embassy heard of the disaster through news dispatches. Officials stated the attack was absolutely inexcusable and constituted a most flagrant violation of all the rules of international law. AMERICA DOES NOT ADMIT RIGHT Officials of the United State government were slow to express any opinions in the diplomatic phases of the disaster Secretary BRYAN declined to comment on the course of the government. When the German Admiralty proclaimed the waters Great Britain and Ireland a "war zone" and warned neutral vessels against the dangers that lay therein. The United States did not admit Germany's right to place hazards in the war of American vessels or lives. The language of the American note to Germany was recalled tonight as a possible index of the policy to be pursued. The discussion at the time arose particularly over the misuse of flag by belligerent vessels, the Lusitania having flown an American flag to escape attack from German submarines. The United States remonstrated with Great Britain over such use of the American flag and said at the same time in a note to Germany

INDEFENSIBLE VIOLATION If the commanders of German vessels of war should act upon the presumption that the flag of the United States was not being used to good faith and should destroy on the high seas an American vessel or the lives of American citizens, it would be difficult to view the act in any other light than as an indefensible of neutral rights, which it would be very hard indeed to reconcile with the friendly relations now subsisting between the two governments. If such a deplorable situation should arise, the German government can readily appreciate that the government of the United States would be constrained to hold the German government to a strict accountability for such acts of their naval authorities and to take all steps that might be necessary to safeguard American lives and property and to secure the American citizens the full enjoyment of their acknowledged rights on the high seas.

MAY 8, 1915, Page 2 LOST LINER POPULAR BECAUSE OF LUXURY WHILE SURPASSED IN SIZE, LUSITANIA WAS NOT DISTANCED IN SERVICE SPEED GREAT ASSET At the Beginning of War She Speed Across Atlantic Three Times in Three Weeks CONSIDERED SAFE VESSEL NEW YORK, MAY 7, 1915 - After the outbreak of the war most of the largest and fastest vessels of the British transatlantic fleet were requisitioned by the navy. The Lusitania, in fact, was the only vessel of this type to continue in regular service. Inasmuch as she was the greatest prize which could fall to German warships or submarines her voyages were followed with particular concern. British shipping men maintained, however, that she was in no danger, especially after the Atlantic had been cleared of German warships. They felt that her superior speed would enable her to evade any submarine.

Three days after war was declared the Lusitania left New York on one of her regular tirip to Liverpool. She slipped out of the harbor shrouded in darkness except for her port and starboard lights. There were 212 passengers on board who were willing to accept the chances of war. During the voyage it was reported that she had been captured by German warships and subsequently that she was fleeing for some American port. She completed her voyage in safety, however, without sighting any hostile craft.

Although the Lusitania was surpassed in size by several other liners built subsequently, including the Imperator, Olympic, and Vaterland, she never lost the reputation acquired at the outset of her career. Her speed and luxurious accommodations made her a favorite and her passenger lists bore the names of many of the most prominent Atlantic wayfarers. She had nine decks, connected with elevators. Her cabins were designed to look more like a hotel than a ship. There were open fireplaces, windows, shaded and curtained as in a private house, elaborate suites and a series of tapestried reception rooms, smoking rooms and cafes.

The vessel was pronounced by her builders to be as nearly unsinkable as any ship could be. The lower deck was watertight. The double bottom was so constructed that should the bilge keels be torn away and the hull pierced, the entering water would be contained within the inner and outter bottoms. The The lower portion of the hull was divided into 175 watertight compartments, with communicating doors so constructed that they could be closed automatically from the navigation bridge in a few seconds.

Everything about the Lusitania was of colossal dimensions. Her rudder weighed 85 tons. She carried three anchors of 10 tons each. The main frames and beams, placed end to end, would extend 30 miles. Marine engineers were particularly interested in the great engines by which the Lusitania was propelled, which were regarded as a distinct departure. Instead of the usual type of reciprocating engines, her builders installed turbines. These engines developed an indicated horsepower of 70,000, driving four shafts, each of which carried a three-bladed propeller.

MAY 8, 1915 Page 2 PASENGER SHIPS SUNK BY GERMAN WARSHIPS Admiral Gantaetine, French; sunk by submarine off French coast, October 26, 1914. Had 2,000 refugees aboard. Forty persons lost. Floride, French; sunk by German converted cruiser Pinz Eltel Friedrick off Brazilian Coast, February 19, 1915. Crew and 86 passengers saved. Guadeloupe, French; sunk by German converted cruiser Kronprinz Wilhelm, near Island of Fernando de Noronha South Atlantic. Crew and 143 passengers saved. Falaba, British; sunk by German submarine off coast of Wales, March 27, 1915. Had 160 passengers aboard. 112 passengers and crew lost, including Leon C. THRASHER an American civil engineer. Aguila, British; sunk by German submarine in English Channel, March 17, 1915. Three passengers and 23 of crew lost. Lusitania

MAY 8, 1915 LUSITANIA CARGO SMALL; SHIP IS WELL INSURED NEW YORK, MAY 7, 1915 -Officials at the Cunard Company's offices here estimate the amount of insurance carried on the Lusitania at amounts ranging from $5,000,000 to $10,000,000, the general belief being that at the time of the announcement by Admiral von TIRPITS of the British government took over about 80 per cent of the total amount. At the offices of Chubb & Sons underwriters, Heddon CHUBB said that his company carried the insurance of a part of the cargo. We carry only a small amount of the insurance on the cargo," Mr. CHUBB said. "It is not customary for us to announce the amount we handle but as there was a very small cargo carried by the Lusitania, not more than 4,500 tons, it can readily be seen that our loss is not a very great one. There were no bonds or gold aboard and the entire cargo from the American market. I don't believe [it] is worth over $500,000. I cannot tell just at the present time what the probable incident will be on the shipping but up to the present time the insurance rate has been 1 per cent. I'm afraid that rates will go soaring."

MAY 8, 1915 "WAR ZONE" DECREE WHICH PUT NEUTRALS IN DANGER Establishment of the German war zone was decreed on February 4, 1915 to take effect on February 18, 1915. The German government's decree defined the war zone as including "All the waters surrounding Great Britain and Ireland, including the entire English Channel," although stating specifically that shipping north of the Shetland Islands, in the eastern area of the North Sea and in a strip 30 miles wide along the Netherlands coast would not be imperiled. The Lusitania, therefore, was in the war zone when sunk. In the war zone decree, the German government announced its intention to endeavor to destroy every enemy merchant ship found in this area of war, stating that this action had been made necessary by the conduct of Great Britain in carrying on "a merchantile warfare against Germany in a way that defied all the principles of international law."

MAY 8, 1915 Page 5 WALL STREET IN PANIC OVER LUSITANIA STOCK EXCHANGE HAS MOST EXCITING DAY SINCE DECLARATION OF WAR BIG BREAK IN PRICES NEW YORK, MAY 7, 1915 - Wall Street shock from center to circumference this afternoon, when confirmation of the sinking of the Lusitania was received. Circumstantial details were followed by a general collapse of the stock market, and such excitement as has not been witnessed since the inception of the war. International bankers refrained from expressing any opinion as to the effect of torpedoing of the British liner upon the duration of the war. The belief was generally expressed, however, that the situation had reached a most acute phase so far as it might affect the attitude of the government at Washington. Later reports to the effect that no lives had been lost were regarded as a saving clause in the situation since it was supposed to minimize the possibility of complications between this government and Germany. BETHLEHEM STEEL BREAKS The break in market values came after three hours of dullness and irregular price changes, the only feature up to that time, being a fresh outburst of activity in Bethlehem Steel, which attained a new high record of [130 ?] with no immediate quotations. Westinghouse Electric, another war specialty, meanwhile broke 21 points. Amalgamated Copper, 12 points, and many others; standard shares as well as stocks of untried merit, from five to 10 points. The decline was most furious in the last half-hour, when about 600,000 shares changed hands, a record unprecedented in the annuals of the exchange. Toward the close, buying order, which probably originated from high banking sources checked the decline and recoveries of 3 to 15 points ensued. What had threatened to be a demoralized finish proved to be merely a weak one. Total sales amounted to 1,150,000 shares. While the selling was at the height, many speculative accounts, which had become impaired were thrown over "at the market," for whatever prices the stocks thus offered would bring. In this way, numerous "paper profits" were wiped out or reduced to nominal proportions.

MONEY ORDERS FOR WAR PRISONERS Under the conditions of The Hague convention the United States postal authorities have decided to issue money orders drawn in favor of prisoners of war in the countries now engaged in the European conflict, without charging the issuing fee. Money orders, relations with Egypt have been resumed.

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Did you know....
Genealogy is the study of family pedigrees, the descent of a person or family from an ancestor, generation by generation.