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Free Genealogy Death Record on the Coffin Plate of Martha M Clark 1846 ~ 1905
April 18th 1846
Martha M Clark
March 2nd 1905
This coffin plate for Martha M Clark 1846 ~ 1905 was found in Boston, Mass USA. Submited by Thomas Roberts. Thanks Thomas.
I went and had a hunt forMartha M Clark 1846 ~ 1905 in the 1900 United States Federal Census on I found several individuals of interest as you can see below. I think the Martha M Clark in Plymouth, Grafton, New Hampshire is the Martha we are looking for but it will take a little more work to say for sure. There are many thousands of genealogy entries for the Clark surname. If you want to have a look at them I have a link to a Free Trial on Ancestry has more genealogy records than any site on the net and they often have free trials and special promotions.
1900 United States Federal Census
Name, Parent or spouse names, Home in 1900
(City,County,State) Birth Year, Birthplace, Race Relation.
Martha A Clark Walter L Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut abt 1846 Connecticut White Wife
Martha E Clark Washington, Washington, District of Columbia abt 1846 Virginia White Mother
Martha E Clark Washington, Washington, District of Columbia abt 1846 Washington;District of Columbia White Head
Martha Clark Boise Ward 3, Ada, Idaho abt 1846 Indiana White Head
Martha A Clark Rock Vail, Breckinridge, Kentucky abt 1846 Indiana White Wife
Martha Clark John,
Rhoda Sextons Creek, Clay, Kentucky abt 1846 Kentucky White Daughter
Martha Clark George New Castle, Henry, Kentucky abt 1846 Kentucky White Wife
Martha E Clark William Clay, Adair, Missouri abt 1846 Virginia White Wife
Martha B Clark Tarkio, Atchison, Missouri abt 1846 Massachusetts White Head
Martha M Clark Plymouth, Grafton, New Hampshire abt 1846 New Hampshire White Daughter
Martha S Clark Edwin K Binghamton Ward 10, Broome, New York abt 1846 New York White Wife
Martha N Clark Je?? Worthington, Franklin, Ohio abt 1846 O White Wife
Martha S Clark Jno Elk, Washita, Oklahoma abt 1846 Tennessee White Wife
Martha E Clark Helen B Philadelphia Ward 29, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania abt 1846 New Jersey White Wife
Martha Clark Joseph Telford, Meade, South Dakota abt 1846 Ohio White Wife
Martha A Clark Thomas Buckhannon, Upshur, West Virginia abt 1846 West Virginia White Wife
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If you have a transcription or a photo of death records (cemetery listings, funeral cards, death cards, coffin plates, church records etc) help build this database by submitting your death records ***You must delete the word REMOVE in my email address before sending to me or it won't work. So the real address is ancestorsatrest followed by the @ then the last bit Sorry but spammers make this roundabout method of emailing necessary!***
Coffin plates often contain birth and death dates, and sometimes the place of birth or the occupation of a deceased person.
While not technically a true vital record, coffin plates can be seen as a substitute for vital records or at the least a good clue. In the case of people who died before civil registration it might be one of the few written records genealogists will find in their hunt for that brick wall ancestor!
If you want to know more about what things qualify as a true Vital Records there is a good article at the Olive Tree.
Remember when searching for Coffin Plates on the net they are sometimes referred to as Coffin Plaques, Casket plates or Casket Plaques.
